One article that I read on
America's Historical Newspapers website was about Coca Cola. The article specifically dealt with the controversy of the use of cocaine and other drugs in Coca Cola.
According to this article Coca Cola had to pay a license of $1,000 "for the privilege of selling the mind destroyer." Automatically I could tell that the author was against the use of cocaine in soda. The author explains how Coca Cola is "the worst enemy to the human family at the present time that exists." I began to ask myself, why is a soda considered by many as an enemy of society? The article says that Coca Cola "discounts whisky many times(.)" Coca Cola also "holds the winning hand in the game of mental and physical destruction(.)" There is no source I could find that tells the specific amount of cocaine in Coca Cola, but any amount is bad. Cocaine has been proven to be a mind altering substance that affects how a person can think and act. So, the author was right when he said, "Its influences are more lasting and damaging than whisky"
According to another article article, Coca Cola has always claimed that they did not put cocaine in the drink. But chemists rarely found cocaine in the drink after the company removed it. But people still reported the affects of cocaine many years after its removal. The article explains that Coca Cola gets its flavor from the extract of the left over residue in the cocaine manufacturing process. Since then the company has claimed that they have a process that extracts the coca leaves flavor only. The company claimed that coca was still an ingredient, but the cocaine was replaced with caffeine. People in the Southern States began to argue that Coca Cola was still causing nervous disorders and widespread addiction in young people. One woman reported that "The sanitariums are full of its victims and they are just like drunkards." Medical experts of the time reported that caffeine separated from tea or coffee acts very differently in the body. They also reported that caffeine can lead to heart disorders which is true.
The movement against Coca Cola's use of cocaine relates to Progressivism's goal of improving public health conditions. This is because cocaine is a drug that is proven to destroy the brain and certain parts of the body. I already knew that Coca Cola used cocaine as a main ingredient in the past. But I did not know that there were a large group of supporters that wanted it removed and lawsuits between companies. I had no idea that Coca Cola was viewed as sinful for some people. Some people in the South called Coca Cola 'dope' and that religious idea is still shared by my grandmother in particular.
"Worst Enemy to the Human Family ...", December 18, 1902, Daily Herald
"Coca-Cola, a Drug Drink", August 12, 1909, Jeffersonian