Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Native American Sun Dances

In an article about the Southern Ute Tribe I read about Sun Dances that the tribe performs.  Sun Dances are performed once a year in the middle of the summer. The purpose of the dance in the Southern Ute Tribe is to "achieve spiritual rejuvenation and reinforce the common spiritual power[...]" To participate in a Sun Dance a person must "receive a command which often comes to him through a dream and impels him to participate in the ceremony as a dancer." The dancer is traditionally a man and must fast for four days before the dance, not eating or drinking anything.  The actual spiritual side of dancing is a quest for spiritual cleansing and a connection with the Great Spirit.  The longing for a spiritual cleanse is purely individual and the person dancing is not judged by the "success" of his quest. There is a communal aspect of Sun Dances.  The dancer represents his family and they all go to the dancing grounds with him.  "they are there to support him vigorously, both spiritually and physically, in singing, drumming or silent participation."

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