Friday, September 4, 2015

Practicing Incorporating a Quotation

The movie Glory has many historical inaccuracies.  One thing that I found interesting is the attitudes toward blacks in general.  Not every single southerner thought that blacks were "natural slaves".  This movie sends a slight undertone that the South was completely racist

I learned how to paraphrase better, how to incorporate quotes correctly, and hyperling

This is what Mrs. Lawson wanted me to learn today:

  • Only use a quote when it adds power and style to my writing.
  • Always make it clear, from context, that I understand the full meaning of the quote.
  • Whether I quote or paraphrase, always be transparent about the source and how I'm using it.
  • If I use another authors exact words or phrases, to any extent , I have to use quotation marks and give credit.
  • If I use another's author's presentation of facts or ideas, but put their ideas in my own words, I better have a good reason for doing that, and I MUST hive credit.
  • Hyperlinking is so easy, there is no excuse for not being transparent about my sources.
I am slightly confused about these policies and I may need extra help.

1 comment:

  1. Ok - Thanks for the feedback. I'll schedule a conference so we can make sure you feel confident before we do any writing with sources.
