Friday, September 4, 2015

Paraprase Practice

This is an excerpt from an article explaining the historical accuracy of the movie Glory.  "But many of the inaccuracies are major. Robert Gould Shaw, played in the movie by Matthew Broderick, was not Governor Andrew’s first choice to command the regiment. When the command was offered him, he hesitated before deciding to accept. More seriously from the standpoint of historical accuracy, the 54th, portrayed in the movie as made up largely of runaway slaves like John Rawlins (Morgan Freeman) or Private Trip (Denzel Washington in a role for which he won an Academy Award for best supporting actor) was in fact, a regiment of freedmen[.]"

It may not matter if the inaccuracies are minute facts.  But facts such as Colonel Shaw not being the preferred commander of the Regiment by the Governor, and portraying that the 54th Regiment wasn't made up of freed slaves, is simply outrageous because it will give viewers a false idea of historical facts.  Movie makers should try their best to prevent inaccuracies when creating a history based movie.  

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